Friday, February 14, 2014

Formerly 212, now 213 in 2014

The drama of 212 South Fourth Ave's landlord chronicles ended in 2013.  The building was sold and the new owners were to build 3 new stories on top of our existing building, making a total of 4 floors of condos and retail remaining on the ground floor.  We were asked to stay throughout construction and tried to make the best of it.  For a little while.
The building looked abandoned and no one was going to rent the street storefronts during the 2 year construction.  4 of the 5 of us decided to leave, and I decided to stay at least through the holidays, utilizing the extra space as a retail pop-up.
Only 2 weeks into my ordering of my inventory for the pop-up, I was told I had 60 days to get out.  They needed to demolish my space in order to excavate for structural footings.  Apparently, there was no basement under my salon.
Great.  Like I needed ONE MORE THING to deal with.  Everything else in my life had changed dramatically and was beyond my control.  All I could do was continue to trudge forward.  I immediately started with a call to a friend who was high up in the offices of a very well respected landlord in town.  I figured she was connected enough to give me a lead.  What I didn't expect was what happened next...
I was offered the most perfect space at the most perfect price right across the street from my old location and they were doing my build out for me.
I spent the next few months throwing things out and starting to pack, while doing a retail store for the holidays.  I was working 7 days a week.  In January, I had 4 days to move during the coldest time of the year.  It was miserable.
In the end, I donated everything from the old salon that I wasn't taking with me. That made it someone else's problem to move. Kiwanis showed up and took everything.  And I mean EVERYTHING.  They unhooked the washer and dryer, they took giant wall mirrors from the Main street salon, they even took facial room equipment.
So now, here I am in my new space, loving everyday.  I love my neighbors and all the new energy around me.  Most of the businesses on this block are new, run by a younger generation of entrepreneurs and I am thrilled to be a part of it.
My clients that have been in so far love the new communal feel of the space, We have streaming music through the incredible Gallo Accoustic speakers I won recently and I book mostly via text using the cloud, so I can make appointments any time, no matter where I am.  Everything in the new place is wireless and there is never a phone ringing.  I am in heaven.
Here is an early photo the day after moving in.  It becomes more gorgeous in here every day and the mix of new retail with new hair products has been a hit.

Salon Vertigo Hours
Monday 12-7
Wednesday 12-7
Thursday 1-7
Saturday 10-4

New contact info:
213 South Fourth Ave / Suite 1B

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